Ellipsometer refers to an optical technique that is utilized for investigating the
dielectric properties (complex refractive index or dialectic function) of thin films.
A very sensitive measurement technique, Ellipsometer is used to
- Change in polarization upon reflection or transmission of light from a material structure and then its comparison to a model. It uses polarized light to characterize thin films, surfaces, and material microstructure. The change in polarization is represented as an amplitude ratio, Ψ, and the phase difference, Δ. Overall, the measured response depends on optical properties and the thickness of individual materials.
- Wide variety of thin films. Herein, there is no restriction on the type of material the thin film is made of, provided light reflects from the surface.
- Complex reflectance of a system, which may be parametrized by the amplitude component and the phase difference.
It is also pertinent to mention that ellipsometer thickness measurement determines the film thickness and optical constraints. Additionally, ellipsometer thickness measurement is also applied to characterize composition, crystallinity, doping concentration, roughness, and other material properties, associated with a change in optical response.
Ellipsometer application areas include semiconductor and data storage solutions; basic research in physical sciences; communication; flat panel displays; biosensors; and optical coating industries.
Ellipsometer working principle is based on a methodology where the polarization change of reflected light after interaction with a sample, is measured in a non-contact, and non-destructive manner. The change in polarization is linked to material properties.
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer is a noncontact, non-destructive, and non-invasive optical technique based on the change in the polarization state of light as reflected obliquely from a thin film sample.
- Adopts a model-based approach to know all about thin film, interface, and surface roughness thicknesses, and also the optical properties. All of it for thin films, ranging in thickness from some A to several tens of microns.
- Measures thin and ultra-thin films (down to <1 Å) with a single or small number of discrete layers.
- Can be performed either ex-situ or in-situ, in static or kinetic mode, for different application requirements.
Among the top ellipsometer manufacturers, Labindia Instruments offers a range of spectroscopic ellipsometers from single-technique to budget- friendly and advanced multimodal systems.
From Sentech Using an advanced rotating compensator design, Labindia Instruments range of Spectroscopic Ellipsometers
- Offers high-class repeatability and comparatively better ellipsometric performance than other designs,
- Leverages a technology that caters to the needs of users working with challenging materials and measurement requirements outside the refractive index resolution, layer structure, and materials/substrate restrictions.
For the best spectroscope ellipsometer at affordable ellipsometer price in India, look no further than Labindia Instruments.